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Managing Changes and Baselines


Effective management of changes and baselines is crucial in project management. As projects evolve, changes are inevitable. Microsoft Project provides robust tools to manage these changes and maintain baselines, which are snapshots of the project plan at specific points in time. This lesson will guide you through the process of managing changes and setting baselines in Microsoft Project.

Understanding Baselines

What is a Baseline?

  • A baseline in project management is a fixed reference point against which current project performance can be compared.
  • It includes original project plans such as tasks, durations, costs, and resource allocation.

Setting a Baseline:

  • Once your initial project plan is finalized in Microsoft Project, set it as your baseline.
  • Go to the ‘Project’ tab, select ‘Set Baseline’, and choose ‘Set Baseline’ from the dropdown menu.

Viewing Baseline Data:

  • After setting a baseline, Microsoft Project stores this data.
  • You can view baseline data alongside current data in various views and reports.

Managing Changes

Tracking Changes:

  • As the project progresses, regularly update tasks with their current status.
  • Monitor any deviations from the baseline in terms of scope, time, and cost.

Evaluating Change Requests:

  • Evaluate the impact of any proposed change on the project’s scope, schedule, and resources.
  • Use Microsoft Project to simulate changes and analyze their potential impacts.

Updating the Project Plan:

  • If a change is approved, update the project plan to reflect the new scope, schedule, or resources.
  • Communicate these changes to all stakeholders.


When to Re-baseline:

  • Consider re-baselining if there are significant changes to the project scope or objectives.
  • This creates a new reference point for performance measurement.

Setting a New Baseline:

  • In Microsoft Project, you can set up to 11 baselines in a single project.
  • To set a new baseline, follow the same process used for setting the initial baseline.

Best Practices for Managing Changes and Baselines

Regular Reviews:

  • Conduct regular project reviews to identify any variances from the baseline.
  • Use these reviews to decide whether changes are needed.

Control Changes:

  • Implement a formal change control process.
  • Ensure all changes are documented, evaluated, and approved before being implemented.

Communicate Effectively:

  • Keep all stakeholders informed about changes and their impact on the project.
  • Good communication helps in managing expectations and reducing resistance to change.

Document Changes:

  • Maintain detailed records of all changes, including the rationale and impact analysis.
  • This documentation is vital for future reference and project audits.


Managing changes and baselines in Microsoft Project is essential for keeping your project on track. By effectively using baselines and controlling changes, you can ensure that your project adapts to evolving requirements while maintaining clear performance benchmarks.