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Applying Task Constraints and Deadlines


In project management, setting constraints and deadlines is crucial for ensuring that tasks are completed in a timely and orderly fashion. Microsoft Project offers a variety of options to apply constraints and set deadlines for tasks, aiding in effective project scheduling and management. This lesson will cover the steps and considerations involved in applying these constraints and deadlines.

Understanding Task Constraints

Task constraints in Microsoft Project are rules that affect the start or finish date of a task. They are essential in controlling how a task's timing is adjusted during the project.

Types of Constraints:

  • Constraints range from flexible (like 'As Soon As Possible') to restrictive (like 'Must Finish On').
  • The type of constraint used can significantly impact the project schedule.

Setting Constraints:

  • Double-click on a task to open the Task Information dialog box.
  • Go to the Advanced tab.
  • Here, you can select the type of constraint and set the constraint date.

Impact of Constraints:

  • Be aware of how constraints impact the scheduling flexibility and the overall project timeline.
  • Overuse of rigid constraints (like 'Must Finish On') can make the schedule inflexible.

Applying Deadlines

Deadlines in Microsoft Project are used to mark the latest date by which a task should be completed, without necessarily affecting task scheduling.

Setting a Deadline:

  • Again, open the Task Information dialog box for a selected task.
  • On the Advanced tab, pick a date in the Deadline field.
  • A green arrow will appear on the Gantt Chart, indicating the deadline.

Deadline Notifications:

  • Microsoft Project will notify you if a task is at risk of missing its deadline.
  • This is particularly useful for keeping track of critical deliverables.

Practical Application

Assessing Task Flexibility:

  • Before applying constraints, assess how much flexibility a task has in terms of timing.
  • Use more flexible constraints (like 'Start No Earlier Than') where possible.

Balancing Deadlines and Constraints:

  • Use deadlines to mark important dates without restricting how a task is scheduled.
  • Apply constraints carefully, considering the overall project flexibility.

Reviewing the Impact:

  • After applying constraints and deadlines, review the project schedule to understand their impact.
  • Look for any potential conflicts or over-constrained tasks.

Adjusting as Needed:

  • Be prepared to adjust constraints and deadlines as the project progresses.
  • This may be necessary due to changes in project scope, resource availability, or other factors.


Applying constraints and deadlines in Microsoft Project is a balancing act that requires understanding the flexibility and criticality of each task. Proper use of these features ensures that your project remains on track while accommodating necessary adjustments throughout its lifecycle.